Bé khách nam được người quen đưa đến điều trị, tình trạng da mụn nặng kèm thâm sạm da, sau 5 tháng điều trị tích cực da em đã cải thiện sạch mụn viêm đều màu, chỉ còn cách làn da khoẻ mạnh vài lần điều trị để da có thể sang giai đoạn duy trì 😇💕
The young male patient was brought in for treatment by an acquaintance, presenting with severe acne and hyperpigmentation on the skin. After 5 months of active treatment, the skin has significantly improved, with inflammation-free and even-toned skin, free from acne. The only remaining step is to undergo a few more treatment sessions to transition the skin into a maintenance phase, ensuring its long-term health and well-being. 😇
#yenclinic #phongkhamchuyenkhoathammyyenclinic #empoweryourbeautyandhealthwithscience
#drlinhdiep #drnhidiep
The young male patient was brought in for treatment by an acquaintance, presenting with severe acne and hyperpigmentation on the skin. After 5 months of active treatment, the skin has significantly improved, with inflammation-free and even-toned skin, free from acne. The only remaining step is to undergo a few more treatment sessions to transition the skin into a maintenance phase, ensuring its long-term health and well-being. 😇
#yenclinic #phongkhamchuyenkhoathammyyenclinic #empoweryourbeautyandhealthwithscience
#drlinhdiep #drnhidiep